Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

low key weekend recap

In my opinion, there's nothing like a relaxing weekend that features the return of some long-lost friends!

Friday night was a night in with Bryan spent with a little pizza and channel flipping.

Low key and perfect.

Saturday was a little bit more productive. The day started off with a trip to Five Guys Burgers and Fries in Huntington. Which if you've never had it, is the greasiest but most glorious thing in the universe!

We then spent most of the day shopping around before going out to eat at Hurricane Grill and Wings in Syosset.
If you like wings, you HAVE to try this place.

I mean, you can even sample any of the sauces! My personal favorites are Mango Barbecue, Chipotle Raspberry, and Cyclone!

My beer choice that evening was called Leaf Pile. And while I found it to be extremely weird that a fall beer was available so close to April, I was more than happy to give it a go since fewer things make me happier than a glass of beer with cinnamon sugar on the rim.

Later in the night we went to Miller's Ale House, which is the usual hangout spot of choice for my group of friends. We had two of our out of town friends in for a visit and sometimes there's nothing to brighten your spirits like seeing some old friends.

Finally, Sunday was just another bum day with Bryan watching movies and eating snacks. Basically, a perfect lazy day is sometimes all you need.

It's always sad to see the weekend end, but it's back to the grind today. As always, I like to start my week in good spirits.
So I say to all of you: Happy Monday!


This is a Weekend Shenanigan link up with Samis Shenanigans!

Monday, March 18, 2013

st. patty's day weekend recap

Well, St. Patrick's Day Weekend 2013 was a great success!

Saturday was the start of festivities with my friends. For the first part of the day I had a small group of people over to my house for what I intended to be some fun in the sun.

Little did I realize it was supposed to snow that day.

My friends and I being the crazy people that we are, we all decided that we weren't going to let a little snow ruin our plans.

After hours of snowy beer pong, we headed over to the local bar to meet up with the rest of our friends. Needless to say, the day turned out perfect overall.

It really just goes to show that you can't let silly things, like snow, get you down.

Since Saturday was so wonderful (and a little wild!), Sunday was a little bit more low key.

I spent the day with Bryan and his family, where despite the fact that they are not the slightest bit Irish, they served a traditional Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage.

It was my first time trying this and I was pleasantly surprised to how much I enjoyed the corned beef. There was also potatoes, carrots, Irish soda bread, and Guinness to be had - all of which were great!

All in all, this St. Patrick's Day weekend was everything I wanted it to be and more.

Great friends, great food, great drinks, and great fun.

So until next year...

Friday, March 15, 2013

st. patrick's day style

It is worth noting that I love any holiday that involves dressing up, having a few drinks and hanging out in the sunshine with your friends.

This, of course, includes St. Patrick's Day!

Below are some fun outfit ideas for this fun and festive holiday that everyone, Irish or otherwise, can enjoy.

{Made on Polyvore}

This outfit is NOT for someone going on a pub crawl! If you're staying at one party and looking for a trendy and edgy look, this might be the way to go.

{Made on Polyvore}

An outfit like this would be the more casual choice. If you plan to run around from bar to bar, this is the perfect way to look good and stay comfortable for the long day ahead.

While I'm not entirely sure what I'll be wearing on St. Patrick's Day just yet, I'm sure it will include shamrock stickers and necklaces with green shot glasses attached.

The main plan, however, is to get out there and celebrate with my favorite people!

So I say to you, friends and readers:

Drink green beer.

Make green cupcakes.

Mix a boozy Shamrock Shake.

And above all - wear green!

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!

Monday, March 11, 2013

my boozy foodie weekend

Well, another relaxing and wonderful weekend is in the books.
In my world, Friday usually seems to fall as the casual night out with my friends. As much as I love how consistent we can be about that, I am so excited to mix it up this weekend with a holiday I love way too much for someone with no Irish blood whatsoever: St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, Bryan and I went to The Good Life in the Massapequa Park area of Long Island. This evening was set up as a surprise dinner for me which as always, I was more than thrilled to go along with. 

While driving to the mystery destination, we went past this very interesting place that had a classic English telephone booth as its doorway. Of course, I felt the need to point out how interesting I found this to be and got even more excited when I found out that was indeed the spot he had chosen! 

Dinner consisted of an amazing beer selection and some of the best, if not the best, appetizers I've ever had.

If you ever get a chance to go, the Chicken Cordon Blue Balls will change your life. I promise.

After that we decided to go home for some wine, cheese and Saturday Night Live. For everyone else who has not had the pleasure of experiencing it, we make a mean cheese platter.

Of course, the purpose of this blog is not to review television shows. However, the fact of the matter is I watch a lot of TV that I am very passionate about and will probably end up discussing it here from time to time.

It is worth noting that SNL is one of my favorite shows. Not because it is the most funny or smart show on right now, because it isn't. The main reason I love it so much is because of the history that comes with a show that has been on as long as this one, not to mention the comedic geniuses it has produced. 

This reason was reconfirmed in this latest episode when Justin Timberlake officially became a member of the coveted Five Timers Club. To celebrate this occasion, many of the greats that have also achieved this honor such as Steve Martin, Tom Hanks, and Alec Baldwin all made surprise appearances. Needless to say, I think we could call this the best episode of the season!

On an unrelated note, I must say that I am excited for this week to start if it is going to bring weather similar to this weekend. Because quite frankly, I am over the snow.