Showing posts with label Beyonce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beyonce. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2013

wedge sneakers

I have always loved trying out new trends and seeing what they are about. But every once and a while a trend comes along that I just cannot get on board with.

Wedge sneakers are one of those trends.

Maybe it's because I see sneakers as something to run and work out in. Or maybe it's because I just find them to be just plain ugly. Whatever it is, this hot new form of footwear bothers me.

I love shoes a lot, I own countless pairs. I also love sneakers.

I even have four pairs of Converses.

It almost seems wrong to me to mix the classic summer look of a wedge with the sporty look of a sneaker.

Celebrities seem to be all over this trend though:

People are calling this the next comfy shoe choice, but I just can't get behind that. Wedges and heels are for fashion, not for comfort.

If you want to be comfortable, try flats, smoking slippers or flip flops..

Or how about old fashioned sneakers?

Just a thought.

How do YOU feel about this trend on the rise?


Linking up with Long Distance Loving